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Cloudcall - Enable/Disable Forward to Cell Phone

In the event you need to forward all your work calls to your cell phone, please follow these instructions:

Enable Forward to your Personal Cell Phone

1. Log into the Cloudcall portal. Link can be found in your managed bookmarks. ( )

2. Go to "Call Forwarding Settings". Set the starting timeout to 5 seconds. Enter a Name and your cell phone. Click add number.

3.Go to "Call Settings" and set the answer mode to forward only and click save.

This will push all calls to your cell phone.

Please note: If you are in front of your computer and are expecting your softphone to ring while forwarding is in place, this will not happen. Please follow the below instructions to disable forwarding.

Disable Forward to your Personal Cell Phone

1. Log into the Cloudcall portal. Link can be found in your managed bookmarks. ( )

2. 2. Go to "Call Forwarding Settings". Set the starting timeout to 15 seconds, then deactivate the forward you have set.Click SAVE Preferences & Order

3. Go to "Call Settings" and set the "Answer mode:" to "Ring, forward, voicemail" Click SAVE Changes

Your phone should now be set back to normal.

If you have any questions or problem, please reach out to your TalentLaunch support team. 

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