- Have the accounting user login to the Citrix machine they need outlook setup on
- Navigate to https://tl-az-citrixdirector.thetlnetwork.com/Director and search for the user in the search box
- Select the session you want to remote share and configure outlook on
- Hit Shadow (top left) and run downloaded file
- Hit Request contract (top left of remote assistance window) - Have end user accept
- Open Outlook 2016
- Select Yes to connect outlook with email account
- Do not do auto account setup rather hit "Manually setup or additional server types
- For Invoicing@mytalentlaunch.com use the following
- Select POP or IMAP
- Your Name
- Email Address
- Account Type
- POP3
- Incoming Mail Server
- Outgoing Mail Server
- Username
- Password
- Payroll@ PW from Keeper
- Require Login using SPA
- Yes
- Now hit More Settings
- Under Outgoing Server
- Check "My outgoing server requires auth
- Use same settings as my incoming mail server
- Under Advanced
- Incoming Server Port
- 995
- Make sure to check "this server requires an encrypted connection (SSL)
- Outgoing Server port
- 587
- Use the following type of encrypted connection
- Remove from server after
- Uncheck it
- Incoming Server Port
- Under Outgoing Server
- For ap@mytalentlaunch.com use the following
- Select POP or IMAP
- Your Name
- TalentLaunch Accounts Payable
- Email Address
- ap@mytalentlaunch.com
- Account Type
- POP3
- Incoming Mail Server
- Outgoing Mail Server
- Username
- ap@mytalentlaunch.com
- Password
- AP@ PW from Keeper
- Require Login using SPA
- Yes
- Your Name
- Now hit More Settings
- Under Outgoing Server
- Check "My outgoing server requires auth
- Use same settings as my incoming mail server
- Under Advanced
- Incoming Server Port
- 995
- Make sure to check "this server requires an encrypted connection (SSL)
- Outgoing Server port
- 587
- Use the following type of encrypted connection
- Remove from server after
- Uncheck it
- Incoming Server Port
- Under Outgoing Server
- Select POP or IMAP
Reach out to ZFincham if you have any issues